Sunday, 12 June 2011

365 Day Project: Day 4: June 12th: 'Self-Appointed Inspector of Donkeys and Rain Storms'

It is pouring it down here in South Oxfordshire, and I had to grab this shot quickly before my camera got a soaking...!

Walking through the storm and standing under the trees with my donkey friends, I was reminded of the rain storms and thunder storms quote from Thoreau...

I do believe myself to be 'a self-appointed inspector of donkeys (ears) - and storms!' ;o)

I discovered these donkeys only a couple of weeks ago, having been wondering for some time now how it could possibly be that there were no horses nearby. Just days later, we were out exploring and 'bingo!' - horses AND donkeys, and not 5 minutes' walk from my house. Did I ever mention how much I love synchronicity? :o)

I messed about with this shot in Photoshop, trying to work with it rather than rescue it - although shot in RAW format, the lighting was very low and the aforementioned rain was a major factor in producing the grainy, far-from-perfect effect. I thought I'd go for something quirky to go with the low lighting and the donkeys' ears ;o) Three layers here - original, b&w and cross-processed, blended and tweaked. I like it - especially those bony donkey backs front of shot...and the down-turned ears on my little friend left of centre...!

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