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Day 4: June 11th: 'Beautiful Dreamer'
I took a number of shots which I thought might pip this one to the post today, but in the end this capture was the obvious choice. Taken at about 08:00 this morning, the lighting was soft and perfect, and I thought I'd share with you one of my all-time favourite sights: my beautiful daughter, sleeping...
Along with unschooling and being self-employed creative entities, one of our other 'non-mainstream' activities has always been sharing sleep time together. My daughter has slept by my side every night since birth. I remember being a pregnant mama and total newbie to anything baby-related, scouring all kinds of sources looking for ideas that resonated with me. One of those I discovered was the notion of 'attachment parenting': one might just call it 'natural parenting', actually. One of the things I was wildly uncomfortable with was the prospect of NOT sleeping with my little one, and it was a massive relief (and total surprise!) to discover that I was NOT alone :o)
Nine years later, we still enjoy each other's company night and day, and my daughter is the most balanced, intelligent, loving, capable and independent child I have ever met. All that crap about 'making her clingy' was just that - complete and utter nonsense...
...she is also free to be a dreamer, awake and asleep...and every night, she goes to sleep when she is tired, and every morning she wakes up when she is good and ready...what a gift!
With this shot, I celebrate her beauty and uniqueness: long may it continue to grow and develop.
So, my beautiful daughter as I see her every morning. What a privilege that waking up next to an angel...
...and yes, I asked for permission to post this, and permission was graciously granted :-)